Youth have their own name here at First Presbyterian: the God Squad!

In the God Squad, 6th-12th graders participate in awesome activities, including mission, learning, discipleship, and fellowship events.

Whatever your your interests, the God Squad is a safe place to meet new friends, serve others, and learn more about God’s incredible love for us in Jesus. Check out the categories below for more information.


God Squad

God Squad is a time filled with snacks, games, fellowship, and discussion about God. Have a question? A doubt? Bring it to God Squad! Want to have fun?  Are you struggling with school, faith, parents, siblings, or just life? Come to God Squad where no question is off-limits and everyone is happy to see you.

Youth Sundays

Several times a year the youth of our church help lead Sunday morning worship! All youth are welcome to join us for a presentation of skits, songs, prayers, and offerings.





The God Squad is passionate about serving others! Throughout the year we participate in local mission projects, and once or twice per year we take short- or long-distance Mission Trips to help “put feet on our faith.”

Contact Youth Chair Carie Waugh if you’re interested in possible upcoming mission trips full of fun, laughter, service, and Christian growth!


Fun and Fellowship


Do you like games, snacks, and general hilarity? Join us for an overnight lock-in at church! Together we play games, discuss our faith, make movies, and prepare for Youth Sunday. It’s an awesome time of fellowship, and if you are in 6th-12th grade, YOU are invited!

Want to get involved?

Come join us on Sundays or contact one of our God Squad leaders! We’d love to hear from you!

About Us



Christian Ed.




Food Pantry


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312 Church Street Clinton, Wi | 608.676.5400