About Us
That spirit of coming together for mutual good continues to guide First Presbyterian, which has shared facilities with other Clinton congregations that need space for worship services due to fire, financial need, or a desire for fellowship. Over the years, several major building projects have helped maintain the church building and grounds, created additional space for educational activities, provided facilities to accommodate members with physical challenges, and modernized our approach to worship. First Presbyterian currently has 160 active members.
We are an outgoing and welcoming church, seeking to love and follow Jesus with all our hearts, minds, and souls. Together we celebrate the connectional nature of the PCUSA – a church where we are united in mission and worship with our Presbyterian brothers and sisters around the world, and with the church universal. At First Pres you will find people of diverse ages, political leanings, social positions, economic statuses, and backgrounds united by faith in Jesus Christ. In him we are one body, and in him we find common ground.